A.C.M.L - Associazione Culturale Mechitarista in Libano

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Venerdì27 Dicembre 2024


991119 - Organ concert performed by Berj Zamkochian - Collège du Sacré-Coeur - Gemmayzé


This organ concert which was performed by Mr. Berj Zamkochian the organist of the Boston Symphony Orchestra at the "Collège du Sacré-Coeur / Gemmayzé - Liban" was organized by the Armenian Mekhitarian Congregation and the Armenian Cultural Associations in Lebanon.


This organ concert which was performed by Mr. Berj Zamkochian the organist of the Boston Symphony Orchestra at the "Collège du Sacré-Coeur / Gemmayzé - Liban" was organized by the Armenian Mekhitarian Congregation and the Armenian Cultural Associations in Lebanon.